Monday, May 17, 2010

6dpi eyewears

First model:

2nd model:

6dpi Glasses:

Paris-based concept artist, Dzmitry Samal, announces the launch of his newly-developed 6dpi glasses line.

Available in the summer of 2010, these futuristic glasses have been designed with a pixelated effect, deliberately reflecting society’s fascination with an “informational aesthetic”.

The inspiration for the design is clearly taken from late 1980s computerized graphics and video games such as Tetris. While computer images and graphics have been revolutionized over the past two decades, Samal’s glasses are reminiscent of society’s digital roots and how technology has inspired almost everything in use today. Even something as utilitarian as glasses can be transformed using technology.

Georgian model Viktoria Kvavtsova ( ) will model the prototype for Samal’s retro-futuristic eyewear.


  1. Wonderful! But where I can buy?

  2. yes...its bizarrely amazing. ;)

    where can i get one?

  3. Do you plan on putting these into production?

  4. when will these be available?!?!?! =)

  5. yes, 6dpi eyewears will be in production and very soon,

    Please come back from time to time to check the news,
    Thank you for your compliments,

  6. Je suis fan de tout, surtout du "Made in France" :) Beau boulot j'espère que la production est pour bientôt !

  7. J'habite en Belgique et je suis totalement fan ou pourrai ton s'en procure ?

    Merci d'avance

  8. Y a-t-il un moyen de s'inscrire quelque part pour être prévenu de leurs sorties?

  9. I love it! I'm from Brazil and my parents will gon on vacations to France on October... Where can they buy them for me? How much are the glasses? I want a pair!! =]
    Congrats... you are great!

  10. I'm so in love with these...especially the 2nd model. Are these actual mock ups (samples) or just digital? they look real but also kinda digital pics. please put these in to production soon!!!

  11. WOW. I am obsessed and cannot take my eyes off of these. Simply brilliant idea! Hoping they will go into production soon, I need them all! Very nice work you have here. :)

  12. your creations are so amazing!
    i´ll follow you!

  13. J'en veux une paire! Où doit-on se renseigner?

  14. Vivement la production ! C'est une super idée qui va faire fureur c'est sur ! Bravo ;P

  15. Cay trop bien! Elles sont magnifiques j'adore le style! Quand seront-elles disponibles et où? J'en veux une!
